On a journey toward wisdom.

Brick by brick.

Step by step.

Book by book.

I'm on a journey to find more resilience, more peace, more patience, more care, and more wisdom.

What I stumble upon on this journey to being a better human can be found in my weekly letter:

  • Personal Mastery

    • Calibrating my mindset

    • Fortifying my health

    • Healing my heart

    • Elevating my soul

  • Professional Development

  • Leadership Capacity

  • Organizational Development

    • Culture

    • Team

    • Vision

I am on a stewardship journey of seeking to make what I touch a little bit better than when I found it. We need to be open to the teachings of our experiences and the inputs around us. Life is a school of growth if we allow it to be.

Would you like to join me?


A Framework To Transcend Generations

As the 4th generation & President, in my family business, I intimately appreciate why most family businesses fail. I was fortunate to stumble into the right mentors and the right books to provide me the guidance to navigate the transition to becoming President.

When I first started in my family business I didn't know where to start. So I grabbed my notepad and started taking notes. I did not have a book to refer to or to drink deeply from to find answers to my struggles. I found my way through conversations, books, and journaling.

Build To Flourish is the culmination of my conversations with mentors, hundreds of books, and my eight year transition of journaling to becoming President.

We need more family businesses in this world and I hope this book will be helpful to your journey to provide insights and wisdom for your successful transition to the first chair.

“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” – Harry Truman