Leading Your Family Business 

into the Next Generation

Hi there and welcome,

I am Matthew Powell, a steward of my family business working to build an organization of human flourishing–where people can be the best version of themselves and do their best work. I believe the pursuit of human flourishing in the workplace can be the greatest force for good in this world.

There is a mountain of ego presented to us right out of school to climb. In an era of 90-day sprints and 5-year flips, it’s a mountain focused on short-term profits and payouts. Alternatively, there is a mountain way in the distance that is rarely discussed (much less climbed). This second mountain, focused on long-term thinking, allows us to build things that are truly great. Greatness takes time. Institutions of greatness are not built quickly. There are no shortcuts. 

I call the journey of climbing this distant mountain, building for centuries.

I’m seeking to point my life’s work toward building for centuries. I have found three core principles to gain a deeper understanding in the decades to come: Do Good (HUMANITY). Be Good (STEWARDSHIP). Do Well (COMPOUNDING) -  building organizations for humans to flourish.

Join me in this quest to build lasting organizations where people arrive inspired, work safely, and return home fulfilled. I will share what I’m reading, learning, and seeing as a CEO and steward.