Digital Hygiene is a MUST

“Don’t pick up the phone every time it rings. It is there for your convenience not the convenience of others.” (Robin Sharma)

Technology is a horrible master but a helpful servant. If technology is not strategically managed then it becomes the biggest hindrance to meaningful, deep work. Technology when it is used properly is like a forklift in the shop. Productivity spikes. When technology is not used properly it's like using a forklift in the office... shit breaks. Specifically the leader.

I’m constantly trying to reconfigure my relationship with technology. It requires constant tweeting because it is easy to cultivate bad habits with devices. I seek to be very mindful with my relationship with technology because it can lead me down a path of feeling unfulfilled and distracting me from adding true value in my family business and hindering relationships (specifically with my family).

Living in an era of "breaking news" can be a competitive advantage to be one of the few who is not distracted by the momentary trend. Seeking deep work with lasting impact while most leaders spend their days wearing the hat of administrator of emails and paperwork.

Napoleon would have been a digital minimalist in the 21st Century. During his reign he used to wait over a week to open his mail because he figured if something was truly a problem he could step in seven days into the issue to help resolve it.

The default settings of technology turns an executive into an administrative assistant:

  • Email becomes instant messenger.

  • Social Media becomes your source of news.

  • Solitude becomes non-existent.

  • Deep work becomes a rarity.

  • Interaction with employees, customers, & vendors becomes shallow.

  • Creating future value for your company becomes a dream.

  • The executive becomes burnt out.

My to do list:

Systems need to be defined and communicated to the appropriate parties on how technology will be used for oneself. This is where I’m aspiring to get to this year:

For all people - "if it's an emergency call me. If I don't answer leave a voicemail."

  • Silenced all call notifications from unknown numbers.

Family & Friends: Need to know I batch text messaging and do not have notifications. Call people. Connect! Start calling people on my commute home and leave voicemails.

Employees: The systems need to be appreciated and understood by employees. I must provide windows of time for "office hours."

  • email is checked twice per day - non-emergency items

  • Managers - quicker response call office phone during "office hours"

  • Emergency - call cell phone

News: I don't want anything from social media. Complete waste. Only use social media for creating content to share with others. Don't scroll for updates in world. can provide information from literally all sides: Left, Right, Center. I am subscribed to Morning Brew for update in my inbox.

Extended Solitude: I have not implemented but will need to plan on implementing "Airplane mode" days on the weekends.

A typical day with default technology is a day full of context switching and dopamine hits of dings and red notifications letting you know how important you are to the environment you spend most of your day. Default technology settings leads to shallow activities.

Empowering a team to be able to make decisions based upon principles rather than building a hub & spoke model for all decisions and questions to come to the first chair leader. The team understands how you use technology and might be inspired to apply similar strategies for their respective roles and context in the business.

I define a life and a days work well done when it includes meaningful work and meaningful connection. Technology if not handled strategically hinders the most beautiful aspects of life and work: Meaningful relationships & Meaningful work.


The Power of Reading


Jesus 2020 - Patience