My stumbling - reflecting on collaborative discussions

For me, the collaboration discussions thus far in August have been beautiful to witness. I believe these meetings have been an opportunity for more intimate conversation. 

With the veterans of the team, I found many of the conversations were an opportunity for healing. An opportunity to acknowledge the wounds of the past without disparaging the past. The discussions of the past quickly evolved into expressing excitement for the new beginning. 

There are three distinct highlights for me in these discussions in August:

1. Asked one of our superintendents “what do we need to do...?” The response pointing at our one page vision & values: “This... this is what we need.”

2. After describing the importance of the leadership team understanding each teammates personal dreams because we want this company to fuel everyone’s lives because we all give so much to this company... The superintendent smiled and touched his heart.

I heard a few common themes throughout many of the conversations I participated in: laughter, family & excitement.

I’m gaining a deeper appreciation for language as this year progresses. I think we set the tone with how we approached these meetings with it being a “collaborative discussion” and seeking to understand one’s “dreams” I think there is a “softness” to these discussions that has increased the feeling of being heard. A sincerity and authentic interest in understanding our team. In addition to the language, I believe the structure of a smaller audience for each conversation also benefitted more than I could imagine. A setting of two leaders per discussion provided additional intimacy.

I found it very fun to initiate conversations with our team around personal dreams. I think many were exploring the idea of having dreams in this first year of this type of conversation. I think it was unchartered territory for many to bring up their family in a work setting. I look forward to the years to come how our team’s dreams evolve!

As a collective, I think this month has been an opportunity for the larger organization to forgive the shortcomings and letting go of the past. 

I look forward to hearing how you have experienced the collaborative discussions with our team!  I hope they are going well.


My stumbling - the strength of being humble


My stumblings for REST