I found the 2 most important questions for my life

The most effective leaders do the hard work of introspection. As I study and seek to bring the learnings to you weekly I see a common thread. The greats work on themselves. The greats are observers of their feelings. The greats are managers of their feelings. The greats think deeply and often of the meaning of their life. The greats are always humbling themselves to keep perspective of where they fit in the arc of humanity. Simply put, the greats know who they are. 

Said bluntly by Laurie Jones, “If you don’t know who you are, then you cannot be a leader.” 

I’m currently reading the private journal of the most powerful man in the world in 170 AD, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome.  

It is so humbling to read Marcus’s journal entries. The inner work he performed in private is astounding. Look at this mind blowing truth he is writing to himself! 

So many people sleepwalk through life accumulating titles and labels. Sleepwalking through life holding tightly to notions that lead to incredible suffering. Sleepwalking and wandering into living ONE year 40 times.  

I have stumbled into two questions that pierce the veil of ambiguity around the meaning of life. (hat tip Arthur Brooks.) 

I think these two questions provide extraordinary clarity and unlocks the opportunity to live 40 years ONE time. 

Give these some serious thought: (no wrong answers… the only wrong answer is not having answers.) 

  1. Why are you alive? 

  1. For what would you be willing to die today? 

 I’ll share where I am on this journey of answering these questions. Would love for you to write back to me on your answers to these two incredible questions of introspection if/when you are ready. 

  1. Why am I alive: I believe I’m here to help build institutions of human flourishing. 

I believe service to others is a path toward fulfillment. The door to happiness opens outward and business CAN be the greatest force for good. I want to try and leave a  finger print on the power of building meaningful human institutions. 

  1. What I’m willing to die for today: My wife and children. 

Without question. Should I be willing to die for more people or causes? Probably. But this is where I am in my journey today in April of 2024. 


Let’s live 40+ years one time. Let’s fill this week with meaningful work & meaningful relationships. 




PS  - I learned from Arthur Brooks that meaning has 3 parts: 

  1. COHERENCE – why things happen the way they do 

  1. PURPOSE = what’s the arc & direction of my life 

  1. SIGNIFICANCE – does it matter if I’m alive 



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