Less success more leadership

“The planet does not need more successful people, but It does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind.” - David Orr

This quote resonates with me because it points out the leadership deficit in the industrial world.

“Successful people” chasing more with less has been the dance for more than 100 years. The industrial paradigm of stop watches & surveillance squeezes as much out of the human resource as possible.

The “peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, & lovers of every kind” are the leaders seeking to create environments of agency and dignity. Leaders embrace the art of treating people as human.

Seth Godin makes a great distinction in his most recent book on management verse leadership: “Management runs a race to the bottom; leadership offers a chance to run for the top.”

Human flourishing in business embraces AND. I think it’s courageous to create an organization that treats people with care AND is incredibly profitable.

Imagine the amount of discretionary effort in a workplace if everyone on the team stated: "this is the best job I have ever had!”




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