Steve Jobs 2.0 secret to focus

In sports you always watch game tape to become a better competitor. Kobe Bryant was a scholar of those who came before him. He studied intimately Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Moses Malone, and the list goes on.

Well, why not do the same for business? This week I’ve been reading some of the game tape of Steve Jobs. (One of the greatest business leaders in modern history.)

Make Something Wonderful - Steve Jobs in his own words

Steve Jobs is a case study on self-development and clarity of thought.

Steve Jobs 1.0 was kicked out of his own company (Apple) he started with Steve Wozniak in 1985.

Steve Jobs 2.0 was CEO of two public companies (yes, 2!) Pixar & Apple. Both companies were transforming their respective industries at the same time!

What happened from Steve Jobs 1.0 to Steve Jobs 2.0?

He found focus and clarity of the significance of being a REAL leader for his organizations.

In his very own words on his priorities as CEO of both Apple & Pixar:

  • “number one, re­­­cruit; number two, set an overall direction; and number three, inspire and cajole and persuade.”

All three of his top priorities are focused on people. He was hyper focused on creating the environment for the teams at Apple & Pixar to achieve greatness in their respective directions.

As leaders, it’s our job to find the seeds (recruit), plant the seeds (set direction), and water the seeds (inspire).

More game tape reviews to come.




it is OUR time to lead


A glimpse into greatness - starts with BELIEF