My stumbling - 4 types of teammates

Dave Garrison was giving an online seminar on employee engagement to YPO last week. My favorite nugget was:

4 Types of Employees:

  1. Unhappy infectors - unhappy and let others know it

  2. Do Whatevers - not engaged but do what told

  3. Smiling Cooperators - happy but not bough in

  4. Champion Ambassadors - fully bought in & doing ”the dance”

Intuitively it makes sense that the more Champion Ambassadors a company has the better the company performs. Apparently, studies have been formally completed and there is a direct correlation of percent of composition of a company with Champion Ambassadors to profitability & safety in organizations. Makes sense.

The takeaway for me with this framework is how do we continue to create an environment for more Champion Ambassadors? How do we transform the Do Whatevers & Smiliing Cooperators to Ambassadors?

I think the answer lies in a company's ability to infuse meaning and connection to the daily tasks.

Deep down everyone wants the same thing. A sense of belonging. A sense of importance.

It’s our job as the employer to provide MANY opportunities for the Do Whatevers and the Smiling Cooperators to feel connection & understand a deeper meaning to the work completed within the four walls of our organization.

The food truck in Pewaukee last week (gathering the team together for an hour to connect and have conversation) is a wonderful example of creating an environment for connection. A moment of care that will ripple for days and maybe weeks to come.

Below is one of my favorite quotes on how Champion Ambassadors view their role in the company:

The opportunity is not to discover the perfect company for ourselves.

The opportunity is to build the perfect company for each other.

- Simon Sinek

 Champion Ambassadors lay a foundation for each other. Let's keep dancing and brining more people into the role of Champion Ambassador.

 What a fun journey & worthwhile pursuit!





My stumbling - a conversation with Jeff Bezos about growth


My stumbling - an insight into the Bucks superstar [Giannis]