My stumbling - add more Kairos time

Time is an evasive idea that gets more real to me by every passing day.

One teaching of time that is profound is the Greeks mental model for time:

1. Chronos Time: Quantitative time

2. Kairos Time: Qualitative time

Chronos time cannot be added to or taken away. It is fixed. It is scarce. It is the daily grind.

Kairos time are the moments of life where we feel alive, where we put a smile on our coworkers’ face, where we listen generously to our children. Kairos time is where love is found. Kairos time is where authentic service to others is found.

Time is hauntingly scarce. But the scarce time we have can be enriched by investing in Kairos moments.

We can ADD more Kairos moments into our fixed Chronos time. Imagine a life with just Chronos time... how sad.

At the end of our brief time on earth, the Kairos moments are the only ones our family, our friends, and our community will remember.

Let’s add some Kairos moments to this week!  :)


My stumbling - SBF & Hercules at the crossroads


My stumbling - a quiet gym is a losing gym