Passing the basket

My pastor, Pastor Aaron, asked all present at church to “make sure to pass the basket so all have a chance to give.”

Pastor Aaron’s call to be mindful of passing the basket along is so relevant for companies that measure in centuries. Companies measuring in centuries are constantly evolving and are completing transitions of roles & responsibilities.

It’s one skill to grow and achieve with a static team. It’s another skill to gracefully hand off roles & responsibilities for others to handle for the best interests of the organization. (STEWARD)

The job of a STEWARD: Make your contribution (make it better). Pass the basket along (gently & with care).

Passing the basket is an act of service. It is so rarely celebrated but so imperative for organizations with long term perspective.

The passing of the basket with care is a generous act. It is an act of STEWARDSHIP. It is an act of embracing the larger narrative. It is an act of minimizing ego.

Companies that measure in centuries do not exist without stewards.




Redwoods measure in centuries


Wall Building or Cathedral Building