Stewards of the savanna

My family travelled to NYC recently. We got to visit the Elephant exhibit at American Museum of Natural History. I was blown away by the beauty and harmony of the elephants and the good they do for others.

The savanna ecosystem would be very different without elephants.

Elephants are actively engaged in the watering holes of the savannas.

Their actions greatly improves the health and longevity of watering holes which hundreds of plants & animals depend upon!

Here’s my top two takeaways on how elephants serve the savanna watering holes:

  1. Elephants create the irrigation for watering holes to maximize the rainfalls by creating deep paths into the ground that lead water to the watering holes

  2. Elephants purify the watering hole by wallowing in the mud to cover their skin and protect from sunburns.

    1. One elephant family can remove a ton of clay in a single day… after a year or two of visits the water hole can turn into an oasis that can last up to 100 years supporting many other plants and animals 

It’s a beautiful story to see how the actions of the elephants benefit so many more species and plants than just the elephants.

Elephants are stewards of the watering hole enterprises. Elephants live in such a way that they improve the lives of all other species who depend upon the watering hole enterprise.

Let’s be more like elephants in business. Let’s keep it simple.

Do Good.

Be Good.

Do Well.





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