Being a student of the greats

As I invest time in reading about the greats, there’s a common theme of great performers & leaders being students of those who have come before them.

  • Kobe Bryant was a student of Michael Jordan.

  • Sam Walton (Walmart) was a student of Sol Price (“god father of retail” – Price Club)

  • Jim Senegal (Costco) was a student of Sam Walton (Walmart).

  • Steve Jobs (Apple) was a student of Edwin Land (founder of Polaroid)

  • Warren Buffet (Berkshire) was a student of Benjamin Graham (“father of value investing”).

The greats build upon the knowledge and experiences of those who came before them.

Last week, I had the privilege to sit down and learn from my favorite specialty contractor that I aspire for Century to follow in their foot steps, API Group. They are a world class specialty contractor with a laser focus on building great leaders.

When I sat down with APi, Inc.’s president, the first thing he shared with me: “We don’t have it figured out… we’re trying to get better at leadership…” (HUMBLE)

APi has spent over 25 years studying and improving their learning programs for building leaders. They are certainly figuring it out!

Here are my top 5 takeaways:

  1. Define leadership for your organization. What is it exactly? Harvard Business Review has shared that there are 92 definitions of leadership. What is it for you and your organization?

  2. Check out their leadership manifesto below

    1. Leadership is a journey NOT a destination

  3. Carol Dweck Learning Paradigm: 10, 20, 70

    1. 10% from lectures, books, etc.

    2. 20% Conversations with others

    3. 70%: On the job – IMPLEMENT [Api has Independent Development Plans for employees]

  4. Maximum Number of Direct Reports – “span of control” – a military concept that does not allow more than six direct reports per leader. Go deep with your direct reports.

  5. Business is like breathing

    1. Inhale = inputs for your people

    2. Exhale = outputs of profit (by-product of inputs)

It’s inspiring and overwhelming to see the incredible work APi is doing!

Time to keep building. Brick by brick.



PS – here’s the Leadership Manifesto mentioned above:


Kohler is next level


If you wait…it’s too late