Talent is the best asset class

The Portland Trail Blazers had the second overall pick of the 1984 NBA Draft.

Everyone knew the Houston Rockets were picking Hakeem Olajuwon. It was unclear who the second pick in the draft would be.

The Trail Blazers were torn on who to pick: Michael Jordan or Sam Bowie. They were allured to the talent of Jordan but also needed to fill the spot of center. Sam Bowie was a solid candidate for Center.

The Trail Blazers called Bobby Knight for his counsel because he was coaching the USA national team at the time with a good insight into really how good Jordan was:

Trail Blazers: “Who should we take for the second pick of the draft?”

Knight: “Take Jordan.”

Trail Blazers: “But we need a center.”

Knight: “Play him at center.”

The Trail Blazers picked Sam Bowie…


Bobby Knight was stressing the importance of picking based upon what the individual can do… NOT what they can’t do. Knight was recommended to the Trail Blazers to focus on the talent in front of them not the momentary specific need 

Knight’s counsel resonates with many of the great business leaders of history and present. Knight was reminding the Trail Blazers that talent is the best asset class.

Great leaders are always finding ways to bring on great teammates.

  • Rockefeller, Oil Tycoon, would hire people as found not as needed.

  • Bezos, Everything Tycoon, believes in hiring people who increase the average level of effectiveness of the group they join.

  • Ogilvy, Advertising Tycoon: "If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarves. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants."

Bobby Knight was giving great advice back in 1984 to the Trail Blazers to focus on the talent for the long-term not the immediate need to pick a center.

Great companies and great leaders are constantly increasing the level of talent and raising the bar.





Lessons from the Crop Farmer


Embrace the tension - don't be a dead fish