The compass that leads beyond success

I was drawn to reading How To Know A Person by David Brooks because I know deep down there’s nothing more important than each and every person in this world feeling a deep sense of belonging.  

There’s nothing more important than knowing you are needed and the work you put into the world is helpful to others. 

As I finished the book my biggest takeaway was WHY stewardship is such an important concept from a psychological perspective. 

Stewardship is a compass to the highest level of consciousness.  

There’s a fork in the road when it comes to mastering one’s craft: 

You can climb the road to “success,” and stay on that road for a very long time. (eventual stagnation) 


You can transition from a focus of career mastery and worldly success to a focus of significance.  

Stewardship points you to the mountain of significance to climb. 

As Viktor Frankl said, “The door to happiness opens outward.”  

Stewardship guides one to open the door outward toward significance.  

Significance is living beyond oneself.   

Brooks explains, “A generative leader serves the people under him, lifts other people’s vision to higher sights, and helps other people become better versions of themselves... adopt a gift logic – how can I give back to the world?” 

After reading this book, I’m asking myself these very questions. 

Ever forward, 



PS – David Brooks artfully describes a steward leader in a way that is palpable for me to aspire towards: 

“…a compassionate awareness of human frailty, because he knows the ways we are all frail. He is gracious toward human folly because he’s aware of all the ways we are foolish. He accepts the unavoidability of conflict and greets disagreement with curiosity and respect.” 


Rockefeller’s advice to his son


Most important question for a parent