The Power of Reading

If knowledge is power, then reading is a super power!

Reading is an expansive activity. Reading is a common thread you can find of incredible people throughout history. Abraham Lincoln was considered lazy in his community because he would spend so much time in the library in his youth.

Reading is the act of collecting wisdom from the brightest humans to ever walk the earth.

The educational system we experience today was originally created during the industrial revolution to create compliant factory workers. I grew up with the constant narrative: "Will this be on the test?"

I became a reader after college. It has changed my life. Here my favorite quotes and reasons to begin the journey:

  1. "If you haven’t read hundreds of’re functionally illiterate.”  - James Mattis

  2. “To live the best should have conversations with the dead.”  -  The Oracle told Zeno

  3. "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." George R.R. Martin

  4. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” - Dr Seuss

  5. "Not all readers are leaders but all leaders are readers." - Harry Truman

  6. "If you don’t read, you’re not any better than people who can’t read." - Mark Twain

  7. "People died...[speaking of slaves, soldiers and civil rights activists]so I could have the ability to read.” - George Ravelling

  8. "You could try to pound your head against the wall and think of original ideas or you can cheat by reading them in books." - Patrick Collison 

  9. "You are what you eat and you are what you read." - Neil

  10. “Fools say they learn by experience. I prefer to profit by others' experience.” - Bismarck

  11. "Reading is the nourishment that lets you do interesting work." - Jeniffer Egan 

For most adults, the tank is filled in one's early 20s and then drained until retirement. The sad reality is most adults live their life functionally illiterate. This can be seen as a competitive advantage for those of us willing to invest in books.

We live in a digital world. A world of constant change. We cannot expect to thrive in this world figuring it out on our own. Books have the ability to serve as a compass and north star in all facets of life. It can even serve as one of the few analog moments in our life. It is one of the few places in life we are not swept into an algorithm of manipulation. We live in a fleeting world with constant manipulation of our time and thoughts. A good book is a rare oasis of solitude with no commercials or manipulation. You get to enjoy exactly what you wanted: a conversation with a brilliant human.

The brain is a collector of inputs and drives thoughts. Our inputs dictate our thoughts. Why not cultivate the soil of the brain with fertilizer (i.e. books)?

Formula for Achievements

Inputs --> Thoughts --> Actions --> Results --> Achievements

The act of reading is watering the soil of achievements. It's the opportunity to tap into the wisdom and suggestions of those who have come before us. It is the act of sharpening the tools to sculpt the granite sculpture of our life.

Reading is one of the few activities where we control the pace. We control the inbound. We control the wholesome well crafted, thoughtful message feeding the soul. The intentionality and strategic placement of prose and words elevates one's thinking and communication skills.

The act of reading waters the seeds of deeper, more impactful work. Not only does it increase our capacity to live deeply and effectively, but it also allows us to live more than one life!

The Journey to becoming a reader:

  • Keep showing up

  • Then it will feel good

  • Then you'll crave it


Embracing “AND”


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