What The Sun & The Greatest Leaders Have In Common

The sun and the greatest leaders have a lot in common.

The sun and great leaders stand for others. They are in a constant posture of service.

The "old school" pyramid hierarchy is outdated. It's a way of the 20th century. Building a business around a ”genius” at the “top” isn’t sustainable nor is it effective to create an environment of flourishing.

Building Front Line Leadership is a lot like the relationship between the sun and earth. The sun does not micro manage the happenings on earth but it provides the necessary ingredient for the earth to thrive.

Hafiz writes, 14th Century poet:



All this time

The sun never says to the earth

"You owe



What happens

With a love like that,

It lights the



Just as the sun is always in a state of giving and providing without need for recognition. So are the greatest leaders. Lao Tzu expresses this reality most succinctly in the Tao Te Ching 17th verse:

With the greatest leader above them,

People barely know one exists…

When all is finished, the people say,

"We did it ourselves"


Success for us as leaders is when our team succeeds. When our shops are lit with smiles, high fives, and exclamations of "we did it." That’s Front Line Leadership.

Lao Tzu and Hafiz show how the greatest leaders & contributions are in service to the greater good and no ego is present.





Liquor, Ladies, & Leverage OR The Iroquois Traditions


Just Keep Swimming