a conversation I will cherish forever

This past week I had the opportunity to capture a conversation on film to discuss the spirit of Century with my grandparents. It was a beautiful moment to share in our passion for participating in a story that is bigger than ourselves.

It was an hour conversation discussing our past and highlighting the best moments of what was.

Who we are is the first step to knowing where we need to go.

This conversation laid the foundation for clearly defining the spirit of the organization as the company faces tremendous change and challenges in the months and years to come.

I found in our conversation last week an incredible bond of highlighting what makes Century so great and building trust that the intent is to carry the spirit forward.

The conversation required both Generation 2 (grandparents) and Generation 4 (me) to be vulnerable and open to discussing deeper moments. We had a conversation that went beyond the income statement.

I believe it is a competitive advantage for companies to go deeper. Connecting the day-to-day activities to a larger purpose and tying today to those who have come before us.

“Business, like life, is all about how you make people feel. It's that simple, and it's that hard.” - Danny Meyer

Imagine building a company that touches the spirit and stays focused on the spirit. That’s tough to compete with.

It starts with conversation. It was a worthwhile conversation for business and family reflection.





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