Matthew Powell Matthew Powell

Passing the basket

Regardless of “what” you and I are doing... we have a very real opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives.

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Matthew Powell Matthew Powell

Sharpe (Four Seasons) & Dyson managing tough days

It’s a great reminder that Dyson & Sharpe invested decades of their lives to build great teams and great companies. They did it day after day. They were consistently consistent. If it were easy everyone would do it.

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Matthew Powell Matthew Powell

The Ingredients and Effects of Trust

The Republican National Convention (“RNC”) was in Milwaukee this past week. Security was ramped up to extraordinary levels throughout downtown.

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Matthew Powell Matthew Powell

Advice to Handle Change from Charlie

We talked last week about change. The world is changing quickly and as business leaders we need to facilitate change quicker than the world around us. The phrase from Yvon that has stuck with me most: “Adapt or die!”

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Matthew Powell Matthew Powell

Front Line Leadership Changes the Way We See

The common phrase goes: “perception is reality.”

David Brooks (author of How To Know A Person) reminds us of our natural shortcomings as humans: “we perceive the world not as it is but as we are.”

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