Many Hands. Light Work.

Two funerals in less than two months for two teammates in their 40s.

It’s jarring.

It’s foundational shaking.

As I stood grieving with some of our Century teammates yesterday in La Crosse, I didn’t have the words. I did not know what to say. What is there to say in such deep moments of sadness?

During the conversation in La Crosse, Cory looked at me and said: “Many hands. Light work.


Leaning on each other. TOGETHER. Understanding and living into the African teaching: “you can go fast alone. You can go farther TOGETHER.”


The reality is inescapable that those we work with daily are those we are doing life with. Rahm Dass said it best: “We are walking each other home.” We are here on this earth for just a moment. Such a brief time. We must take care of each other along the way.


The opportunity as leaders to help people live better lives is so apparent. It’s not about the fences. It’s not about the pavement markings. It’s not about the barrels for traffic control. It’s not about the security cameras.

It’s about the people. It’s about the relationships.


The opportunity to double down on the quality and content of relationships is noble.

It is a noble pursuit to distill and bring love to the marketplace.

Jesus did exactly that 2,000 years ago.

What a noble opportunity we have to work TOGETHER  and work toward becoming better teammates, better parents, better spouses, and better contributors to society. 

May we find ways to work TOGETHER this week.

Many Hands. Light Work.





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