My stumbling - finding meaning in a transactional world

This is not an extension of “Matt's world.” This is a team we are building TOGETHER.  I enjoy writing to find greater clarity and seek to share my stumblings as we move forward TOGETHER!

I “stumbled upon” a great parable about brick layers.

  1. Three bricklayers are asked: What are you doing?

  2. The first says, “I am laying bricks.”

  3. The second says, “I am building a church.”

  4. And the third says, “I am building the house of God.”

  5. The first bricklayer has a job. The second has a career. The third has a calling.

  •  Job = “I view my job as just a necessity of life…”

  •  Career = “I view my job primarily as a stepping stone to other jobs…”

  •  Calling = “My work is one of the most important things in my life…”

Imagine a world where all members of society were the third brick layer… what an amazing world we would live in!

Imagine a company with all teammates operating at the third brick layer mindset… what an unstoppable organization!

Work is an integral part of our existence. The marketplace is our way of being connected to the world around us and being helpful to others. Finding “flow” or experience mastery in one’s craft is deeply fulfilling. I believe as leaders we have a responsibility to help others appreciate all work is honorable work and achieving mastery in work is deeply fulfilling in and of itself. 

As leaders, we have the opportunity to send our team home at the end of the day as better parents, better spouses, and better community members. I can’t think of a better or bigger responsibility. A preacher gets about one hour per week with people. We get 40+ Hours a week to deeply inspire and help guide our team to feel the calling of the third brick layer.

Inspiring the team is the job of leaders. Connecting work to a greater purpose is a great formula for inspiration.


My stumblings - the stained glass windows


My stumbling - everything changes EXCEPT one thing...