the beauty of serving others in business

An organization solely focused on profits is like a person solely focused on breathing. How boring.

As a family business, we get to go deeper. We get to operate on a different time horizon and value system.

What does going deeper look like?

It’s flipping the org chart upside down to serve our teammates, customers, vendors, and community. Going deeper is having the courage to have a service first mentality. (i.e. Front-Line Leadership)

What is service?

“Service is love made tangible.” - Tom Thibodeau (professor at Viterbo)

We are all here because of the service and sacrifices of others! Living in a posture of service opens awareness to the fact that all of us are interdependent. To live a rich life it’s about finding ways to serve others. Bishop Dale Bronner said it best: “If service is beneath you, then leadership is beyond you.”

At Century, we are building an organization grounded in Front Line leadership. We are building an organization with leaders grounded in humility to serve through Front Line leadership.

Front line leadership taps into the wisdom of Confucius and the reality of how one becomes a leader: “the first step to being a good leader is being a good person.”


You lead people. You manage things.


May our teammates find us to be wise NOT clever.

May our teammates find us starting with a wager of trust.

May our teammates find us in a posture of service, asking “how can I help?”


Good people doing good things is where magic happens. Let’s make some magic this week!





The pursuit of respect and admiration


Katherine Graham and finding her second wind