HUMBLE - putting a light on my blind spots

It’s quite clear when someone or something is not humble. The opposite is pride. (i.e. ego)

It’s easy to see in others when pride is the dominating trait. It’s easy to see others with an attitude of superiority. It’s easy to see when someone won’t admit mistakes. It’s easy to see someone not asking for help when they should… BUT its hard to see in oneself.

My pastor helped me realize pride operates in our blind spots! It can be hard to see pride in our own hearts. Pride is clever as a fox.

He shared some great, practical questions to shine light on potential blind spots:

  • How do you respond to feedback? (Do you get defensive?)

  • Do you recognize other contributions?

  • Do you find it difficult to take responsibility?

  • Do you dominate the conversation?

  • What’s your willingness to learn & grow?

Humility is a super power and an essential ingredient for organizations to flourish.

I’m appreciating that humility is something that must be worked on daily just as a garden must be tended to daily.

One of my favorite quotes for humility was written by CS Lewis: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”




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