Just Keep Swimming

The days of a newborn can be exhausting at times. Yesterday as Finding Nemo was coming to a close our toddler seemed to appreciate this reality: “Just keep swimming Mommy”

Just keep going. Just be consistent. Just focus on the moment.

Being in the here and now. Focusing on being present in this very moment. Not getting overwhelmed by the prospects of tomorrow when it is today.

Back in 1994, Andre Agassi was struggling with his tennis game. He was no longer the “young buck” that could get away with sliding through the tournaments on sheer flash. He was on everyone’s radar and a target for competition. He wasn’t able to win like he did. The sports writers were eating him alive because of his lack of consistency and wild ups & downs.

In Andre‘s autobiography, OPEN,  he shares how he needed to change his approach so he found a new coach. The coach, Brad Gilbert, enters his life and preaches consistency:

“Quit going for the knockout…. Stop swinging for the fences. All you have to be is solid.”

“You’re from Vegas…The house always wins, right? Why? Because the odds are stacked in the house’s favor. So, be the house! Get the odds in your favor. By trying for a perfect shot… you’re stacking the odds against yourself.”

“[you] need to be consistent, steady, like gravity…. Be like gravity.”

Andre: You’re crazy.

Coach Brad: You’re learning.

Andre: You’re nuts.

Coach Brad: You’ll see.


Andre sticks with the game plan of not going for the perfect shot. He keeps swimming. Andre goes on to win the Wimbledon after many months of learning Brad’s teachings of simplicity and consistency.


Just keep swimming.

Be like gravity - Consistent.

Showing up for our families, for our friends, for our teammates, and for our communities CONSISTENTLY is the game worth playing.





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