My stumbling - humble is the way

The story of Jesus confused the Pharisees. The expectation from many was for the coming of the savior to be of royal descent and come from high status.

The story of Jesus is set in the foundation of humility. A humble manger. Humble parents. Humble clothing. Humble lifestyle. Humble life. He cleaned the feet of others. He proclaimed, those who are last shall be first and those who are last shall be first. 

Why would a man with literally all the power in the universe live a humble life?

There’s two types of lives to live. An arrogant life (ego) or a humble (soulful) life.

Ego is the enemy. Humility pushes towards a soulful life. A life of love. A life of real connection. Humility takes us down the stairs of the ivory tower among the people.

I stumbled into this quote a couple weeks ago that made the full connection for me of the significance of being humble:

“You can’t lead the people unless you love the people. You can’t love the people unless you know the people. You can’t know the people unless you walk among the people.”

True strength is found through a life of humble service to those we have a brief moment to serve on earth.

As I’ve been unplugged for 3 days with no phone, it’s been a moment to soak up the profound finesse of humility in a world bombarded with noisy ego.

Humble is the (only) way.


My stumbling - my mom changed my relationship with time


My stumbling - Wooden & his relationship with success