My stumbling - my mom changed my relationship with time
I have a confession. I have something that is always top of mind and undoubtedly influences my choices and intentions. I’ve been reflecting on this for over five years.
At the end of July in 2017, I was in the planning stages with my mom to come home with Chelsea, my wife, for a beautiful week long vacation in my hometown of Charlottesville. My mom and I were nailing down all the logistics for the trip home. My mom even planned to sponsor a rental car for us while we were home so we could have total freedom to enjoy the week at home!
Chelsea and I were heading home on August 3rd BUT I got a call from my dad on August 2nd that changed my life forever. It's the call you never want to receive.
I was going home for a funeral instead of a vacation.
I had never experienced death of a loved one before August 2, 2017. Death was this "way out in the future" generality. Tragic deaths were a statistic. Tragic deaths were just a number.
It has been five years since my mom's passing and of course I'm still grieving. But I have found some light in this very dark moment. I have given much thought to time over the past five years. My relationship with time has changed. My relationship with time has also changed my focus in business.
The below image is your life and my life in weeks. The average American gets 4,000 weeks on earth. Every dot represents a week in your life. (yes I made this slide & yes there are 4,000 dots)
This is where I currently reside on the journey if I'm fortunate to reach the end:
Yikes! There aren't that many dots. We spend many of these dots at work
These dots MUST be filled with meaning. The dots should be filled with meaningful work and meaningful relationships.
As leaders, we have an obligation to provide our team the environment for this to be possible. Imagine a workplace where we know without a doubt we are providing the most meaningful work environment to maximize our 4,000 week journey. This is not a realization for all of us to retire ASAP. Rather it’s a calling to integrate meaning and depth as best as we can.
Back in August 2017, I wrote my mom a note on a balloon. I didn't know what I meant at the time when I said I would make her proud.
I'm finding greater clarity in how I seek to make her proud:
My mom loved to garden. She loved seeing the yellow tulips in our front yard blossom and flourish. She also loved helping people blossom and flourish.
My calling is to carry forward the idea of flourishing within organizations. Helping build an organization where people feel inspired, feel safe, & feel fulfilled. There's no reason why we can't do well (profitable), be good (for all stakeholders), & do good (for the customer & community).
This is what I meant on the yellow balloon.
I've never seen a Brinks truck follow a casket to the grave. I have seen and experience to this day the beauty of the relationships my mom had during her time on this earth. When it comes down to it… life can be distilled down to one single ingredient: RELATIONSHIPS.
May we have a sense of urgency to cast light on everyone we interact with in 2023 and touch all four corners of our organization with care.
Great companies have great relationships.