My stumbling - parties bend culture

There were so many “little,” special moments from this past week of Century holiday parties:

  •  I went up to one of our foremen to thank him for all of his efforts this season and his response:

  • “I’m still HUNGRY…” (with a huge smile)

  •  The wife of one of our teammates said to me: “I wish my company could have fun like this…”

  •  My personal favorite: People LINGERING. People were staying after the parties and continuing to talk, banter, laugh, etc. It was not a mass exodus as soon as the gates were opened to leave.

Seth Godin shares, “Dandelions spread their seeds at the whims of the wind, but they don’t make much of an impact.” Our team is not like the dandelions. For over eleven months we have been planting seeds of care INTENTIONALLY. I believe the culture is bending and the impact is noteworthy.

Happier teammates = better parents + better spouses + better citizens.

This has also led to more discretionary effort in our business.

Seth Godin defines generous: “Generous means choosing to focus on the change we seek to make.” We are choosing to build a place for meaningful connection.

Thank you for helping to create an environment for meaningful connection and providing our team with positive leadership daily!


My stumbling - purpose of boot camp


My stumbling - immune to the dice roll of fortune