My stumbling - setting the soil for transformation

I had a vision a couple years ago of the Century culture transitioning from a transactional to transformational experience. I set forth on the journey with full expectations our cultural transition would take AT LEAST FIVE years to even begin to see any signs.

I think the hard work we have put into the soil in 2022 is already starting to sprout….

Some of the phrases I heard last week during our workshop:

  •  “I’m inspired…”

  • ”people will run through a brick wall…”

  •  “this company will go to the highest peek…”

  • ”…excited to be a part of the journey…”


As leaders, we have been working so hard to put fertilizer in the soil. We’ve been watering the soil.

The environment we create for the team is SO CRITICAL: 

“Never underestimate the power of the environment you work in to gradually transform who you are. When you choose to work at a certain company, you are turning yourself into the sort of person who works in that company.” (The Second Mountain, pg 22) 

We are doing so much more than just building a profitable and growing enterprise. We’re providing a place that goes beyond the pay check.

I’m truly humbled by the opportunity ahead of us to create an uncommon depth and bond amongst our team.


My stumbling - “The Lone Nut”


My stumbling - Tim Duncan carried the water to greatness