My stumbling - “The Lone Nut”

The path of bending culture is not well lit. The organizational knots are tight. The norms, rituals, and learned behaviors sometimes feel immovable.

2022 was a year of finding language to carry forward into 2023. I think inspiration has been put into the organization but inspiration has a short shelf life without action. 

2023 will be year of starting to dance with the language. But how do you dance with seemingly competing concepts? The best companies embrace the polarities. The best companies find a way to make money and have fun at the same time. The best companies turn up the music and dance.

A quick 3 minute video that encapsulates what the Leadership Team is doing in 2023:

  • The Dance = The paradox of making money (do well)  AND caring for others (do good)

  • 1st Dancer (i.e. “The Lone Nut”) = Senior Leadership Team

How to start a movement | Derek Sivers

Let’s dance!




Promotions - bend culture [good or bad]


My stumbling - setting the soil for transformation