My stumbling - we're walking home

As we were leaving the hospital as a newly minted family of four, Chelsea snapped a precious moment.

This moment reminds me of my favorite quote by Ram Dass: "We're all walking each other home."

This moment captures the interdependence of me needing them as much as they need me. My capacity for love is growing by the day and empathy for others continues to rise because of the role as a father.

As I held my son this morning I read this beautiful reframing of time by Austin Kleon:

  • Seconds --> Heartbeats

  • Days--> Sunrises

  • Weeks --> Moon

  • Months --> Phases

  • Quarters --> Seasons

  • Years --> The return of Spring

This quote reframes the human experience with a soulful perspective. Slowing down the race of daily life to try and really appreciate beauty of every heartbeat. (i.e. second)

As a father of two, I am more inspired than ever to build an organization for all of the precious lives of our teammates we get to steward and walk home with. Every life is truly a miracle.

Thank you for sharing and celebrating one of the most amazing days of my life: The birth of my son, the promotion of my daughter to "big sister" , and my wife being such a strong, beautiful mother.




My stumbling - Four Seasons founder dances with uncomfortable conversations


My stumbling - I'm finding value in healing my heart