Promotions - bend culture [good or bad]

We are in the midst of a HUGE promotion process for a Superintendent role after firmly establishing the Vision (direction) and Values (behaviors) of Century.  

Promotions send a message of the types of things the Century leadership team REALLY wants. What does the Century leadership team REALLY believe?

Instead of making a decision behind closed doors and sending out a memo to congratulate the newly appointed person…

We are allowing there to be a very transparent process for all to be heard and for conversations to be had that strengthen the direction we are trying to go as an organization. The conversations of our values and service to the team is actively bending the culture in the direction we need to go in 2023.

I stumbled into The Motive by Patrick Lencioni over the weekend, he talks about two types of leaders. The Reward Centered & the Responsibility Centered Leader:

  • Reward Centered vs. Responsibility Centered

  • Ego vs. Soul

  • Self vs. Others

  • “What am I going to get?” vs. “What do I need to give?”

  • “Save the day” vs. “Help teammate get unstuck”

  • “Right & Reward” vs. “Privilege & Duty”

I've heard Servant Leadership is A way of leadership. I think it's the ONLY way. Viktor Frankl stated: "the door to happiness opens outward." I think the door to operational excellence swings outward too!




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