The only way to solve this situation at Gate D35

Traveling in an airport with children under the age of 4 is the most challenging human endeavor to date in my life.  

There’s no winning. It’s a game of survival. 

When (not if) a child goes nuclear it is utterly humbling. 

You are on a tight timeline in an airport to board the plane… BUT children don’t always agree with the timeline or the plan… 

The only way I could have fixed the above situation quickly was magically getting Queen Elsa or Princess Anna of Arendelle to appear to console my daughter. 

What ultimately helped was flexing a muscle I’m not good at using: Patience. 

Parenting is an incredible gift for so many reasons. One of the gifts is that I think it makes you a better leader. Parenting makes you a better leader because you MUST learn patience to be a good parent. 

Parenting is just like business, it's non-linear. Things don’t always go smooth. Ideals are not commonplace in business or your personal life. 

Patience provides perspective. Patience provides space for listening. Patience provides the opportunity to be empathetic.  

May we find ways to be more patient with our loved ones, our teammates, our suppliers, our customers, and everyone we get the opportunity to interact with. 





Antidote to Buffett's most common pitfalls


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