Antidote to Buffett's most common pitfalls

Warren Buffett stresses the importance of avoiding the “ABCs” in business:

  • Arrogance

  • Bureaucracy

  • Complacency

These ailments are the most common sicknesses to a business. These ailments probably sneak into an organization after some moments of success.

For Century, I believe the antidote for these ailments are found in living at the intersection of our values.

  • Arrogance —> HUMBLE: continuing to fight back the ego. Ego is the enemy. Constantly remain curious.

  • Bureaucracy —> TOGETHER: building accountable teams so Century does not create layers upon layers of political roles.

  • Complacency —> HUNGRY: constantly seeking growth. One more.

Sharing stories of when we are at our best is a great way to nudge each other to shine our lights brighter.




Stewards of the savanna


The only way to solve this situation at Gate D35